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Our goal at CCNS is to provide rich experiences and opportunities for children to develop sound relationships with other youngsters and to provide a nurturing environment where children can develop good feelings about themselves, their abilities, and the world around them.


The Crescenta-Cañada Co-Op Nursery School is a parent-governed, non-profit organization which has served this community for over 55 years (in our current location since 1988). CCNS is a place where parent involvement makes all the difference.


Our school offers a place where you can share in your child’s nursery school experience, meet other parents who are interested in participating and sharing in the same way…and who can actually have a hand in the running of the school.


Our school is non-denominational (we lease space from our host church).

parent role

Parents interested in enrolling their child in the Crescenta-Cañada Cooperative Nursery School program should know that parental involvement is a crucial component of the nursery school’s goals and objectives. Mothers and Fathers participate as teacher aids. In the Monday-Wednesday-Friday program the parent will work about 2-3 times per month.  On their workday, the parent helpers arrive by 8:30 and leave about 12:15pm.  In the OPTIONAL 5 day a week program for the Busy Bear class (4 year olds) the parents will not be required to work additional days. There will be two teachers in the classroom on those days.


In addition to teacher aide duties, each family will be assigned a yearly “Committee Job”. These jobs are quite varied and consist of anything from repairing dress up clothes, editing the school’s newspaper, coordinating social events, typing, bulletin boards, etc.


One benefit of this extensive parent participation is that such involvement has been shown to positively relate to a child’s success in school. When a child sees his/her parents in the classroom it reinforces the importance of education. Parents are educators too and they add a new dimension to the classroom and enrich school life. Parents are also an important resource for a teacher in discovering how to best reach a child.


When helping in the classroom parents are able to observe firsthand their child’s triumphs and joys in what is often their first structured social situation and first formal school experience.



State licensing requires a cooperative nursery school to provide parent education to its membership. Our parent education is provided to our membership through speakers at our monthly Parent Meetings. There are ten such meetings throughout the school year, including a Parent Workshop before the school year begins, our Christmas Program and Family Fun Night, at the end of the school year. Mandatory attendance is required at six of the scheduled meetings/workshops.

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